Like all other programming language it is also a well known programming language basically designed for web application . As we all know that c++ is an objected oriented language but not fully object oriented, an attempt made by the java programmers to make it full / pure object oriented language and some how it satisfies but still it is not a pure object oriented language as just because we are still using primitive data types ( int, float, long, char etc) but there is a concept of wrapper class  by which we can be able to use primitive types as an object which was again a close attempt to make it a pure object oriented .

Wrapper Class --> It is a class by which we can be able to create the Object of primitive data types. Will see in details about the wrapper class later in this tutorial.

Ex- for int there is a class defined in java called as Integer which is formally called as wrapper class.
Like this for every primitive data type there is wrapper class.

What is the advantage of Java ?

Well we all know that java is a compiled and interpreted both. Compiled means checking the errors by the java compiler at the compilation and where as interpreted means running the successfully compiled codes. Now you must think that what is the benefit of doing like this even compiling and interpreting will take more time but it introduced a new concept of portability .

How and why Java are portable ?
Let me tell you when we compiler our java program , java compiler checks the error and produces the .class file. Now you all must be thinking of what is this .class file?

What is .class file?  
It is a file created after successful compilation. Our source code contain the high level definition but after compilation it get converted into machine readable code which is a .class file. And then JVM ( Java Virtual Machine) will run the .class file and gives us our desired result.

So portability on java means we can run this .class file in any system , the only need is to have JDK installed in our system for interpreting . class file. So from there is no need of installing compiler for all other system in which you are going to run your code. Only we need is compatible JDK for the specific System.

javac--- java compiler used for compiling the java source file.

java-- java interpreter used for interpreting the .class file.

Now let me give you some brief information about the most used terms / concept in Java.
Details for the same we will see later in this tutorial. Some of the terms / concepts are as follows:-

1) Object :- We can call it as the base of java, i want to say that Java is fully based on object, it means we are going to use only object for all our purposes. Here is the link to study in detail about object in java Object in Details .

2) Class :- We can call class as blue print of object. It will define the structure , means where we are going to define the variable, objects and many more. So it just give you the way to use the members, methods, objects etc.

 3) Data types:- Data types are the keywords / user defined class/ interfaces in java.
 Here keyword means there are few keywords like int, float etc which defines the memory for the variable and also with its specific size and scope. For details about Data types in java Click Here .

And user defined class/ interfaces means we can define our own data types for our own purposes.
So class and interfaces are called as user defined data types.

In java according to the data representation we are having only two types:-
1) Primitive / base data types  ( int. float. long. char etc).
2) Reference data type ( String, array, object etc).

4) Static : Basically static is a keyword in java. And it is not the scope of the object. Means not need to create an object to access the static members / methods, instead it can be easily accessible by the class name. And for static members only once the memory is created. Will look for this in details in its topic.
Why we donot need to create an object to access the static members and how is it possible by the class name?
To know about the above question and detailed explanation about the static then Click here .

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