SpringMVC is a part of Spring framework which makes possible client-server communication using Spring framework. It has many components which takes part in finding the request, delegating the request coming from client to the mapped class for request processing and many more. Below is the name of few important and very frequent used components are involved in SpringMVC...
Spring is a framework and currently grabbed market of development. Spring is otherwise called as all in one framework just because with the help of Spring only one can develop entire web application. It has "HibernateTemplate" class which gives the functionality to interact with database without any other framework or technology like "Hibernate" or "JDBC" respectively. SpringMVC makes independent of relying on any other framework which persists...
Requirement is to search a particular String in the Array of String value. To achieve this we need to have some set string values in a String array and secondly we need to have a String value to be searched. Tips to Proceed... 1. Take counter 2. Iterate String and match the value on each iteration using equals() method. Steps to do.... 1. Take a counter count=0 . 2. Get the String to be searched. 3. Iterate the String Array and...
The above question means that we need to execute some line of code which perform something before the main() method execution. As we know that when we execute our program JVM will call main() at very first , so it seems that its not possible to perform something before the main() method execution but is possible with the static initialization block and calling method while initializing static variable  Important Points : 1. Static initialized...
This question might be asked in as interview to judge logic on how you are going to achieve without providing you the length() method to calculate the String length easily. Tips to Think .... 1. As we know that in Java String doesn't end with the NULL character with in C it ends with the NULL character. 2. To get to the end of String we have nothing as a mark in Java but in C we can check for the NULL character. 3. Now have to think to...
This is a interview question can be asked in an experienced or fresher's interview to write a program which will add up all the integer value present in a string and print the added number. Tips to think how to do it... 1. For this kind of problem always think of first matching the number in a String . 2. How you are going to match? 3. The only simplest way is with the help of ASCII of 0-9 . Steps to do : 1. Take a int variable...
This is one of the important and mostly asked question in fresher and experienced interview. Singleton class means a class with only one object. It will have only one object which will be returned always when ever we try to create the object of singleton class. We can create our own singleton class. Interviewer will ask you to write your own singleton class, for that you need to remember following points to create your own singleton class : a)...
This is one of the common question to be asked in interview to judge your basic level of knowledge. We all know that String is immutable which means that once object created cannot be modified or if try to modify, it will create another String literal in the String pool. So this proves that String is immutable, but this is we are proving theoretically. Now if interviewer ask you to prove the same by writing programs then you will be doing like...
Some of the Java Interview Questions for the fresher and Experienced ( Set - 3 ) 1. What is package in Java? What is its advantage ? Ans: This is the basic question might be asked in the interview. You just need to give the exact and proper definition in simple words. " Package is the storage directory of java files. It is a way by which java classes get organized and placed in well structured directory. " Advantages of packages: 1. It is going...
1. Introduction to Struts 1 2. What happen at container Start-up 3. ActionServlet in Struts 1 ( Request Process ) 4. About execute() method in Struts 1 5. Configuring ActionServlet in Struts 1 6. Configuring Action class in web.xml 7. Struts Request Processing Flow 8. Struts 1 Example using Eclipse ...
1. Java Interview Questions ( Set - 1 ) 2. Java Interview Questions ( Set - 2 ) 3. Java Interview Questions ( Set - 3 ) ...
Some of the java Interview Questions for the fresher and Experienced ( Set - 2 ) 1. What will happen if we try to modify the value of a final variable ? Ans: Final variable can't be modified , if we try to do so then a compile time exception will be thrown i.e java.lang.IllegalAccessException. 2. What is Oops Concept ? Ans: Oops is considered as Object Oriented Feature. As java is Object- Oriented language so it supports the following Oops...
Some of the java Interview Questions for the fresher and Experienced ( Set - 1 ) 1. What is Java , speak something about Java ? Ans: Basically few points has to be remembered regarding java : a) Java is high level language. b) Java is Compiled and Interpreted language. c) Java is a Object-Oriented Language but not a pure Object-Oriented. d) Java is Platform-Independent Language which makes language as Portable. ........ Click here to see...
It is a public abstract interface. Many classes and interfaces are extending this abstract interface for different purposes. SuperClass of Appendable:- From java.lang package - StringBuffer StringBuilder From java.io package - BufferedWriter CharArrayWriter FileWriter FilterWriter OutputStreamWriter PipedWriter PrintStream PrintWriter StringWriter Writer From java.nio package -  CharBuffer From java.rmi.server package - LogStream All...
It is a private class or more specifically we can say its a ' private - package ' class i.e it is declared as not public and as abstract. As it was not there before the release of JDK 1.5 and was first introduced in java 5.0 as the superclass for both StringBuffer and StringBuilder.  Initially before JDK 1.5 there was only one class i.e StringBuffer ( which is thread safe ) and was extending Object class, but later with the release of JDK...

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